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Publié dans L'expert le 28 - 05 - 2009

The dream land “Jerba” has always been an important and strategic location at the touristic level for Tunisia. Its historical background contributed to its development and prosperity. Its position as an important touristic pole in Tunisia took part on the expansion of the economic side of the whole country. Last Saturday, a regional seminar was organized about “the role of the monetary markets and rent societies in financing the regional development” under the supervision of Mr. Taoufic Baccar, governor of the central bank of Tunisia.

The regional development: strategy and environment:
The seminar was opened by the governor of the city of Mednine who expressed his hope for an impressive future for the monetary market.
Mr. Taoufic Baccar talked about the importance of the regional development and the major role of the monetary system in providing the appropriate financing in order to realize balance between the structures of societies. He also evoked the loans given from the national monetary institution, which reached 29 billions in 2008. Each sector got as much loans as its production of raw materials. Then, he cleared the necessity of the banks' support to the financing of the small and medium enterprises. Then about the financial basis of the bank industry, he asserted that its reinforcement is an important condition for financing the national regional economy.
About the financial crisis and its effects on so many countries all over the world, Mr. Taoufic Baccar explained the focus of the national efforts to support the financing of this sector.
The interference of Mr. Mohamed Bechiou, general director of the monetary paper market was about the reinforcement of the market capital in Tunisia through many ways like: promoting the capital by activating the dead shares or even by giving some ones to public persons.
Mr. Ahmed Kram, general director of “Amen Bank” talked about the important role of banks in helping societies getting out of the crisis and asserted that the monetary market contributed in the growth of this sector.
This seminar was about the role of the monetary rent societies in financing the regional development too. This principle consists of renting materials or real properties. And it is realizable under a written contract for a certain period of time and for a certain sum of money. This sector is composed of about 10 rent societies. One of them is the “Wifak” company of monetary rent which is the first one in Tunisia aiming to consolidate the work with public sector in order to create businesses and provide jobs then develop the private investments.
That's why this company found the necessary help and care from the supervising authorities of the ministry of finance, the central bank of Tunisia and the regional authorities.
The seminar organized in “Jerba” was the occasion to share ideas and plan for a future concerning the economy of the country. The participants introduced concepts and analyzed theories concerning the role of the monetary markets and rents societies in financing the regional development.

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