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Execution vital to stop the Big Show Maxwell
Publié dans Koora le 04 - 12 - 2015

The current biggest mystery at the Indian Premier League (IPL) in India that needs to be unravelled is how to stop The Big Show. Differently stated, how do you remove Glenn Maxwell, nicknamed The Big Show, cheaply and prevent him from inflicting grievous psychological and even bodily harm to your team. The 25-year old Maxwell was one of five players (the others are Yuvraj Singh, Dinesh Karthik, Kevin Pietersen and Mitchell Johnson) who bagged million-dollar contracts on the opening day of the IPL players' auction in Bangalore in February 2014 In his first three matches for the Kings X1 Punjab in this season's IPL, Maxwell slammed 279 runs at a strike rate of 212.97 and hit 17 sixes. He deservedly wears the Orange Cap and has received three consecutive man-of-the-match awards. Maxwell powered 95 off 43 balls in his opening match against the Chennai Super Kings with fifteen fours and two sixes. He underlined that this sensational performance was no fluke by dispatching the bowlers of the Rajasthan Royals for 89 runs off 45 balls, including eight fours and six sixes in Punjab's next match. Maxy, as he is also called by his teammates, showed little mercy for the bowlers of the Sunrisers Hyderabad in the third game, with audacious shots including nine sixes and five fours on his way to 95 off 43 balls. He has become synonymous with switch hits, and reverse sweeps, but he could also play beautifully timed drives through extra cover or flick it over square leg and midwicket for six. When he is in this belligerent mood, the only way of stopping him is by having great plans and executing it to perfection, says Justin Kemp. Kemp, a former South African allrounder and currently arguably one of the best domestic performers in all three formats for the Nashua Mobile Cape Cobras, says mediocrity in the field and with the ball has contributed to Maxwell's flying start. "I saw the guys dropping him once or twice. That is unforgiveable at this level," said Kemp. "Also, you have to bring on your best bowler when he starts batting. "It's easy to have good plans, but execution is vital. I saw bowlers come around the wicket to Glenn and then bowl full tosses. He will smoke those. "Variety would be important, but it's got to be spot on. Glenn is full of confidence, but even he won't be able to dispatch a yorker that is perfectly executed," said Kemp.

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