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Tunisia's First Lady's interview to ‘‘Sayidaty'' Magazine
Publié dans La Presse de Tunisie le 29 - 10 - 2010

“There can be no progress or growth in societies without improving the situation of women, whether urban or rural women, and there can be no stability or family and societal balance without equal employment and partnership opportunities for men and women” affirmed Mrs. Leila Ben Ali, President of the Arab Women's Organization(AWO).
In an interview to “Sayidaty” magazine in its October 23 issue, the First Lady said that “there can be no immunity for nations if women do not have a role in preparing their present or future destiny”. She also pointed out that Tunisia will be hosting the 3rd AWO's Congress at the end of the current month on the theme of: “Arab Women: An Enssential Partner in Sustainable Development”. According to Mrs. Leila Ben Ali, current AWO's Chairwoman, the upcoming Congress will be a propitious opportnity to further support the programmes which contribute to the improvement of women's situation. It will also be an opprtunity to enhance their capabilities so that they can fully assume their role in consolidating the attributes of comprehensive and sustainable development in the Arab countries on the basis of the principles of equality, justice, and equal parternship between both sexes.
Tunisia's First Lady expressed hope that the Tunis summit would provide the occasion to anchor the culture of partnership between men and women in the Arab World and affirm the complementarity of their roles so as to ensure the equilibrium of society through developing women's aptitudes and capacities and defining their missions in promoting their environment both as individuals and as citizens.
On the other hand, Mrs. Ben Ali acknowledged that progress has been made in terms of Arab women's situation over the past few years, but also admitted that additional efforts are yet to be made to integrate into Arab states' development plans everything likely to increase the capacities of women and develop their role, and secure their contribution to the progress and development which Arab societies aspire for.
The Arab countries, Mrs. Leila Ben Ali affirmed now have women managers who are able to assume, with skill and excellence, some responsibilities for the development of society. She also pointed out that the AWO Congress will mark Tunisia's end of AWO's presidency, but will at the same time pave the way for a new stage in the organisation's action.
Speaking of the development process in Arab states,Tunisia's First Lady mentioned that there are disparities with regard to development indicators among Arab states, on the one hand and between them and those recorded in advanced countries, on the other, by comparison to the international criteria in force. In this vein, she evoked the Human Development Indicator which shows a disparity at the level of Arab States' rating, implying, in turn, the need to step up efforts to secure the attributes of progress and welfare to the Arab States.
Mrs. Leila Ben Ali outlined, still in the same context, that the economic summit which was held in Kuwait represented a decisive turning point on the way of strenghtening Arab joint action and developing inter-Arab co-operation in its economic and social dimensions.
On the other hand, the First Lady said that what Arab countries need most is to strongly believe in the efficiency and necessity of joint action, stressing the need to implement the agreements and conventions concluded and ensure their follow-up since the regional economic groupings now make the key to any progress and development.
After reviewing the gains and achievements of the AWO since its inception, Mrs. Leila Ben Ali paid a vibrant tribute to the Arab States' First Ladies for their support to the Organisation and their constant care to provide it with all the necessary means to enable it to fulfill its objectives for the sake of Arab women's causes.
She also reminded of the main gains achieved for the benefit of Tunisian women in matters of education, employment and participation in public life and in the process of development.
Speaking of women's access to decision-making positions, Mrs. Ben Ali said that although the indicators are positive and show the extent of Tunisian women's participation in public life, President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali decided, in his Programme for the Future (2009-2014), to increase women's participation rate, to at least to 35 % in decision-making positions.

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