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Publié dans La Presse de Tunisie le 31 - 10 - 2010

Naima Hassan Qassar, Representative of the WHO and Assistant Regional Director for the Middle East: “Tunisia's First Lady's inaugural speech touched on educational, environmental, health and social issues. She stressed the non-traditional women's roles such as their effectiveness in small-scale projects, hailing the important and various contributions made by Arab women in different fields”.
Mrs. Georgette Kalini, Member of the Chamber of Advisors and Lawyer (Egypt):
“There can be neither evolution nor prosperity without development; it is an ever-lasting resource. It is embodied by the development of the human being which is the real resource of any country. The means must therefore be provided in order to promote the human capital by making available the tools necessary for welfare such as the preservation of the environment, the infrastructure, and facilities. The development of the population is the key to the success of countries. Moreover, it is a way to attract foreign investments. Consequently, women are, by their nature and their interest in social causes, more appropriate to carry out the development process…
The Arab First Ladies addresses testify to a deep acquaintance with the situation of Arab women in each of the Arab countries represented. They have evoked the positive points that have been achieved up to date, recalling at the same time the areas where further efforts need yet to be made. Acknowledging the weaknesses and highlighting the achievements make the shortest way towards the resolution of Arab women's problems.”
Aida Nooman: National Authority for Women's Affairs (Lebanon):
“The issues addressed by Mrs. Leila Ben Ali's speech were extremely important. I will focus here on the one related to the religious discourse as Tunisia's First Lady emphasised the importance of dialogue in the resolution of the problems affecting the Arab and Muslim world”.
“I think we really need such kind of moderate discourses in what relates to religious phenomena”.
Yaqut Akroun, Member of the Arab Women's Commission for International Humanitarian Law
“The content of Mrs. Leila Ben Ali's address was very positive as it encourages and creates hope and ambition for Arab joint action in the field of women. Likewise, the implementation of the content of her address should elevate women's position in all respects”.
“The Tunisian experience is very inspiring to us, having become a role model to follow in the Arab countries and a fundamental reference for construction and progress”.
Mrs. Aicha Barki, President of the Algerian Illiteracy Association “Iqraa” and President of the Arab NGO Network for the Fight against Illiteracy
“I am glad to participate in the 3rd AWO Congress, especially that Mrs. Leila Ben Ali, Chairwoman of the Congress and the Organisation, has raised the issue of illiteracy in her address. I am confident about the future. We are taking a step ahead as the First Ladies are addressing this theme which is often the left out issue of the cause of Arab women. Mr. Amr Moussa has, on his part, expressed his interest in the fight against illiteracy. He has recently received me to listen to what I have to say on this issue which is taken, from now on, seriously.”
Mrs. Chadia Mahmoud, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Acharq al Awsat News Agency (Egypt)
‘‘Mrs. Leila Ben Ali address has covered the main aspects of the theme of the Congress. She has emphasized the peculiarities of the next stage of the AWO's action in a way that the efforts that have been made from the beginning up to now may find continuity and takeover. Thus, the Organisation stands as a real representative of Arab women at the international level and as a platform which works on achieving their ambitions and to allow them to stand at an equal foot with men as partners in development.
We expect that this Congress will bring forth tangible decisions that are likely to support women in their action for equality and development. We hope that it will constitute a step ahead in the overall efforts to promote women in an international context which is in constant evolution. More than ever, such a context requires from us additional action specially that we share several common points and similar challenges.
The Arab First Ladies addresses have been characterised by their coherence. Each one of them dealt with a distinct aspect of the common problems of Arab women within a vision of complementarity, just like a common chain which encloses all domains of interest of Arab women.''

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