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Mrs. Leila Ben Ali Closes AWO's 3rd Congress
Publié dans La Presse de Tunisie le 31 - 10 - 2010

In the Name of God, the Merciful,
the Compassionate
Your Highnesses,
Your Excellencies,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
We are today closing the Third Congress of the Arab Women Organization held under the theme: “The Arab Woman, an Essential Partner in Sustainable Development”. The Congress addressed the role of Arab women in the development process as a vital area for providing equal opportunities and achieving equality and partnership between men and women in all fields of work and production.
I am pleased, on this occasion, to express to Her Excellency Mrs. Suzanne Mubarak my deepest gratitude and appreciation for her original initiative in establishing our Organization in Cairo in 2000 and for the vitality she imparted to the Organization so it could start performing its role with great assurance and competence.
I am equally pleased to express my profound gratitude and appreciation to all of Her Highness Sheikha Fatima Bint Mubarak, for her rational initiatives in the fields of youth, information and expatriate women; Her Royal Highness Princess Sabika Bint Ibrahim Al-Khalifa, for her continuous support to the Organization including the creation of a virtual Library for Arab women; and Her Majesty Rania Al-Abdullah for her efficient contribution in devising the Organization's agenda in its inception stage and in integrating new technologies in its operations.
My deep appreciation and gratitude also go to all the Arab First Ladies for their continued support of the AWO activity, their generous contribution to its work and the consolidation of its programs.
I commend the efforts made by Mrs. Wadouda Badrane, Director-General of the Arab Women Organization, and the contributions of the Academic Group of the Congress as well as the excellent and most useful work done by everyone here present.
Similarly, I express my deep gratitude to Tunisia's distinguished guests and the elite of experts, men and women, from sister countries, for the valuable ideas they contributed to the activities of the Congress.
I note with satisfaction the methodical approach which marked the different academic sessions in addressing the main theme of the Congress with all its social, economic, cultural and political dimensions. This thoroughness greatly helped us highlight the considerable role that Arab women assume in the process of sustainable development and in enhancing the values of citizenship in our societies, in regard to men and women alike.
In this context, I wish to thank the representatives of Arab and foreign media who followed the proceedings of our Congress, commending them for the full coverage of its activities; also for having publicized the Arab Women Organization and highlighted its contributions toward developing women's status in our societies. I praise, in particular, their work in conveying a fair image of contemporary Arab women.
It gives us cause for pride to note that the Arab Women Organization is about to enter the second decade of its existence as a young organization credited with honorable gains and achievements that you all have contributed to preparing and accomplishing. We are required to redouble our efforts to add new successes to the mission of the Organization; to induce Arab women to show further courage and personal interpretative effort, join in active life, gain the necessary experience in the areas of investment and entrepreneurship. The purpose is to keep pace with the new demands for development and the profound changes in the patterns of work and organization as well as in the methods of management and financing and the means of production and export.
Arab women have demonstrated their worthiness of full trust and encouragement in all the roles assigned to them within the family and society. They have proved that they are an essential factor in national development plans, whether through physical effort, generosity and selflessness, or through intellectual activity, and the culture of initiative and creativity.
Improving Arab women's conditions will remain a joint day-to-day achievement emanating from an enlightened reformative mind and a deep-rooted modernizing reality. We all assume the responsibility of enhancing this accomplishment and completing its basic factors, with a view to realizing the lofty aspirations of our societies to equitable, integral and sustainable development, within the framework of particularities, circumstances and possibilities of each society.
For the foregoing reasons, the Arab Women Organization will seek to make the most of the orientations and ideas put forward at this Congress, and to incorporate them into programs of work that would contribute to advancing the status of Arab women and enriching their gains. Likewise, the Organization intends to follow up on the recommendations adopted by previous congresses so as to lend greater scope and credibility to its actions and programs.
Tunisia, which has had the honor to receive you and to host the Third Congress of the Arab Women Organization, will continue, as you have always known it to be, the land of meeting, dialogue and consensus, and your country which is proud of your presence and gratified with your visits.
Tunisia will also continue its support for joint Arab action in all fields, caring for Arab women's causes, concerns and aspirations; it will also continue to be a bridge open to the world for positive interaction with our time and with the different cultures and civilizations.
Your Highnesses,
Your Excellencies,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I renew my thanks and appreciation to you all, for your contribution to the success of our Congress and for your keenness to ensure that its results live up to the hopes and aspirations of Arab women. I pray to God to grant us success in our efforts to promote the Arab Women Organization, all the actions it undertakes and programs it draws up. Our aim is that each and every one of us would contribute from their positions and according to their possibilities, to advancing our societies toward further justice, equality and partnership for greater harmony and integration, stronger cohesion and solidarity, and more effective progress and development.
Thank you for your

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