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Noureddine Mezni
Publié dans Leaders le 02 - 11 - 2009

African Union - United Nations Mission in Darfur (UNAMID)
Nationality: Tunisian
Date of birth: March 31st, 1950, in Tunis
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Married with 4 childrens
30 years experience in the fields of media, communication,diplomacy and public relations
Languages: Arabic, French and English.
* Jun. 1987: UN Language Proficiency Certificate
* Oct. 1973: MA Arabic Literature - University of Tunisia - Tunis
* Jun. 1973: BA Journalism - University of Tunisia - Tunis
* Sep. 1972: Certificate in Islamic Studies - University of Tunisia - Tunis
Attended several skills upgrading courses in information science in the United States of America (American University, School of Communication, Washington D.C) and Europe (Germany, Yugoslavia, etc);
Senior Public Information Officer & Spokesman
January 2008 to present
African Union- United Nations Mission in Darfur (UNAMID)
Senior Public Information Officer & Spokesman
January 2005 to December 2007 African Union Missions in the Sudan (AMIS)
Joined the African Union (AU) commission as Chief of information and Spokesman of the African Mission In the Sudan (AMIS).
Spokesman for the Mediation in Abuja
Appointed by the African union commission as spokesman of the AU Mediation during the 5th and 7th rounds of the inter-Sudanese peace talks on the crisis in Darfur, held in Abuja, Nigeria (June/July - November/December 2005/May 2006, respectively);
Secretary General of High Council for Communication
(Office of the President of the Republic) – Tunisia Apr. 2000 – Dec. 2004
Director of Finance & Administration Oct 1998 – Apr 2000
Islamic Jurisprudence Academy (Fikh Acadamy) of the Organization Islamic Conference (OIC)– Saudi Arabia
Advisor and Spokesman for OIC
Working as press advisor and spokesman for OIC under Habib Chatty (Tunisia), Sharifuddin Pirzada (Pakistan), Hamid Algabid (Niger) and Azeddine Laraki( Morocco) - four former OIC Secretaries-General - was directly involved in the presentation for and organization of several summit and Ministerial Conferences;
In the courses of his career in the OIC, he established close relations and worked in collaborative harmony with top African officials and regional and international media.
Director of Public Relations, Communication & Protocol March 1991 – Oct 1998
Cabinet of the Secretary General, OIC – Saudi Arabia
Appointed Director in the cabinet of the OIC Secretary general, in charge of public relations, communication and protocol (March 1991).
Chairman of the organization committee for the 25th Anniversary of the OIC (September 1995).
Deputy Director of Information Mar 1987 – Jun 1991
Cabinet of the Secretary General, OIC – Saudi Arabia
Returned to OIC Headquarters in Jeddah as Deputy Director of Information in the cabinet of the secretary general (March 1987).
Deputy Permanent Representative of OIC to the UN Sep 1985 – Sep. 1987
Islamic Conference Organization – UN HQ, New York
Appointed Deputy Permanent Representative of OIC in the United Nations, New York.
Officer in charge of Special Duties (Chargé de Mission) Mar 1980 – Sep 1985
Office of the Secretary General, OIC – Saudi Arabia
Started international carrier with the organization of Islamic conference (OIC), Jeddah, as officer for special duties (Chargé de mission) in the cabinet of the Secretary General of the Organization.
Editor-in-Chief for TV News / Tunisian Television Feb 1978 – Mar 1980
Journalist & TV News Anchor/Producer / Tunisian Television Jul 1972 – Feb 1978

As member of OIC Mediation Support Team (1980-1998), Participated in mediation of several conflicts, including Iraq-Kuwait, Bosnia, Afghanistan, Somalia, Senegal-Mauritania, and Turkish Community in Bulgaria
Served under four OIC Secretaries-General and participated in the organization of several summit meetings and ministerial conferences
Chaired organizing committee for the 25th anniversary of the OIC (Sep 1995)
Established and organized from scratch the Office of the Spokesman & Information Department of the African Union Mission in the Sudan (AMIS)
Raised the profile of AMIS and transformed the organization's acronym into a recognizable logo
Oversaw the development and implementation of strategic communication plans for several high-profile events and activities, like the Darfur Peace Agreement (DPA) (2006), the Sirte negotiations, Libya (2007)
Supervised the transfer of authority from AMIS to UNAMID in the field of media and public information in his capacity as the the first spokesman of the Hybrid Mission.
HONOURS/AWARDS: Officer of the Order of the Republic of Tunisia. (Aug 1996)

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