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Highlights of First Ladies' Addresses
Publié dans La Presse de Tunisie le 30 - 10 - 2010

Mrs. Suzanne Mubarak
Mrs. Suzanne Mubarak, spouse of the Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, underscored the importance of Arab Women Organisation's Third Congress which, she said, provides the opportunity to improve Arab women's conditions by taking the appropriate decisions to this end. She also highlighted the numerous gains made by Tunisian women thanks to the clear-sighted policies adopted by President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali.
She also thanked Tunisia's First Lady for the special attention she gives to the Congress works and her many achievements as AWO Chairwoman.
Mrs. Widad Babiker
Mrs. Widad Babiker, spouse of the President of the Republic of Sudan, underscored the importance of theme of the Third Congress of the AWO which focuses on sustainable development, pointing out that despite the gains they made in matters of legislation, education and participation in political life and decision-making, Arab women are still facing many challenges and obstacles resulting from illiteracy, a high school drop-out rate, and higher rates of maternal and child mortality.
Mrs. Wafa Suleiman
In her address at the opening session of the of the AWO Third Congress, Mrs. Suleiman, spouse of Lebanon's President, Michel Suleiman, pointed to the importance of the Congress's main theme, noting that sustainable development constitutes a real problem for the Arab world, as its implementation depends on the setting up of strong policies and coherent action programs.
She also said that the continuing spiral of tension in the Middle East region and escalation of violence are obstacles that impede the progress of sustainable development process, highlighting that the just, sustainable peace remains the sole option to help the countries of the region achieve their aspirations to development and progress.
Princess Sabeeka Bint Ibrahim Al-Khalifa
Princess Sabeeka Bint Ibrahim Al-Khalifa, spouse of Bahrain's King and AWO's Supreme Council Chairwoman, hailed the efforts exerted by Mrs. Leila Ben Ali as part of her presidency of the AWO.
She laid emphasis on the need to create efficient and practical mechanisms which would help gradually include women's needs and aspirations in national action plans, relying on a clear vision that considers women as fully-fledged partners. She also pointed at the efforts exerted by Bahrain to improve women's conditions, expressing her optimism that the Congress would come out with a coherent action framework which would make of partnership between men and women a sine-qua non condition for Arab sustainable development.
Sheikha Fatima Bint Mubarak
Sheikha Fatima Bint Mubarak, President of the General Women's Union, President of the Higher Mother and Child Council and President of the Family Development Foundation in the United Arab Emirates, emphasized the importance of the theme of the Third Congress of the AWO and its relationship with the issue of sustainable development.
She also underscored the comprehensive nature of the Congress's eight major sessions which address all dimensions of women's participation in sustainable development
Sheikha Fatima Bint Mubarak also praised AWO's efforts to promote Arab women's role in sustainable development since the holding of the first summit of Arab women, in November 2000 in Cairo, and the holding of the Organisation's Second Congress, in Abu Dhabi, in November 2008, saying that despite the changes that occurred on the regional and global juncture, Arab women are steadily making headway.
Mrs. Amina Abbas
Mrs. Amina Abbas, spouse of the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, voiced her conviction that the Third Congress of the AWO will represent a turning point in enhancing women's position in Arab society and strengthening their contribution to boosting the modernisation and reform process.
In her address to the opening session of the Third AWO Congress, Mrs. Abbas reminded of the persecutions and sufferings endured by the Palestinian people, as a result of the Israeli aggressions, pointing out to the Palestinians' daily struggle to achieve their independence and build their independent State with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital.
Mrs. Amina Abbas called for joining efforts at the Arab and international levels to lift the unfair blockade that has been imposed on the Gaza Strip.

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