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Bilel Jamoussi, Ph.D
Publié dans Leaders le 24 - 11 - 2009

7 Jared Circle
Nashua, NH 03063 USA
Communications and Operations Director with PhD in Computer Engineering. 20 years experience in Systems Engineering; Software and Hardware Research and Development; Carrier and Enterprise Network Design, Technology, People and Program Management, and Training. Innovator with 22 patents. ICT Industry standards leadership, negotiation, influence, and governance.
1994-2009 Nortel
Director, Nortel Strategic Standards, Corporate CTO Office
2001-2009 Billerica MA USA
* Developed Nortel's Enterprise Solutions standards strategy with a focus on Very High Throughput WLAN (1Gbps), Unified Communications, Communications Enabled Applications, Healthcare IT, Green ICT, and Enterprise Ethernet.
* Achieved significant leadership and influence for Nortel in IEEE 802.11, WiFi Alliance, SIP Forum, OASIS, and DMTF standards; imbedded several of Nortel's innovation in the industry standards; and provided internal alignment among the product lines.
* Achieved 12 Advanced Certifications on Nortel products and solutions including VOIP CS1000, BCM 450, Healthcare IT Solutions, and Selling to the Government
* Helped develop and market Nortel's Green Initiative as a member of Nortel's Green Council and a Nortel industry spokesperson.
* Provided influence over the Health Care IT standards as a member of TIA Healthcare IT TR49 and IEEE Wireless Healthcare IT committees.
* Directed Nortel's participation & leadership in 90 global, regional, & national standards development organizations, forums & consortia. Managed a budget that of up to $10M.
* Developed breadth and depth expertise in Information and Communication Technologies and Business by leading, managing and coordinating corporate-wide standards strategies that included Metro Ethernet Networks, Communication Enabled Applications, Enterprise WLAN and IPv6, Lawful Intercept, 4G Spectrum, Security, QoS, OAM, COTS, IPTV, Healthcare, and Green ICT.
* People Manager: Performance Management, Team Development, Result Orientation, and Relationship Management of a group that reached over 50 top engineers mostly with PhD or Masters Degrees and between 2 to 35 years of experience in the industry. This team was very diverse culturally, ethnically, and geographically including team members from Algeria, Canada, China, Egypt, France, India, Italy, Lebanon, Tunisia, UK, ,and USA. The team was distributed in Canada (Ottawa), France (Paris), UK (Harlow), and USA (Billerica, Santa Clara, Richardson, RTP).
* Led Nortel's team to achieve the highest leadership and influence positions in the key standards organizations with 110 leadership positions in 45 of the 90 standards organizations in which Nortel participated. Specifically, in November 2008, Nortel had the highest senior leadership positions in ITU-T as chair of TSAG, in ETSI as Chair of the General Assembly, in IEEE-SA as member of Board of Governors and Corporate Advisory Group, in IEEE 802 with three members on the Executive Committee, in the IETF as Trustee Chair, in ISOC as Chair of the Advisory Council of the Organizational Members, in OASIS as member of the board of directors, in MEF as member of Board of directors – to name some of the world leading organizations in standards development of ICT.
* Coordinated Nortel's strategy and tactics in the IETF from 1997-2008 providing Nortel with impact, visibility and influence that clearly surpassed its modest investment compared to competing companies. Nortel went from a new player in the IETF in 1997 to an influence to recon with in 1999 competing with the incumbent players head to head and winning several standards battles.
* Played the key leadership role in initiating new ITU-T focus group (FG) starting with the NGN Focus Group in 2005, then the OCAF Focus Group in 2006, then the IPTV Focus Group in 2007. Worked closely with the International community including private sector members and government representatives as well as the ITU TSB. Nortel was leader of most of these focus groups. This leadership in the ITU-T led to the fast development of a number of key industry topics at the international level.
* In the ITU-R and related Spectrum Regulations, led the Nortel 4G Spectrum game plan and team to identify the key spectrum frequencies and bands to facilitate the deployment of WIMAX and LTE globally.
* In the IEEE-SA, Was elected to the corporate advisory group for three consecutive terms from 2005-2006, 2007-2008, and 2009-2010. In addition Elected to the Board of Governors of the IEEE-SA for a term from 2007-2008. During this time, led the International ad hoc that developed the IEEE-SA International strategy to grow the International adoption of its standards. Under this umbrella, developed a strong relationship between the IEEE-SA and the ITU by applying for sector membership of the IEEE-SA in the ITU-T and ITU-D. This was then followed by a number of successful joint IEEE/ITU workshops on Carrier Ethernet, Optical Access Networks, and Kaleidoscope. Serve as the IEEE-SA official external representative and technical liaison from the IEEE-SA to the ITU-T and ITU-D. Organized the first IEEE-SA Corporate Advisory Group meeting and seminar in any Arab or Africa nation in Tunis in May 2007. Leadership in the IEEE-SA and the organization of the IEEE-SA CAG Seminar in Tunis led to facilitate the creation of the IEEE Tunisia Section.
* Led the Communication Enabled Applications and Business Processes standards strategy – including the creation of the OASIS Telecom Member Section and the OMG Telecom SIG
* Briefed Nortel CTO and other Executives on Industry Standards and trends and preparation for ATIS Board meetings
* Government Relations:
* China: Participated in IEEE-SA High level delegation meetings with Chinese Standards Organizations (CCSA, CESI, CNIS, and MII) in Beijing from 2005-2009. Established a solid network of colleagues and friends that are leaders in the Chinese Industry and Government.
* USA: Invited to the US Capitol Hill for a Lunch Briefing on OLPC. Good relationship with US ITU delegation and participation in WSIS prepcom and WSIS Phase 2. Achieved a good working relationship with the State Department and other Government representatives in the ITU.
* Canada: Strong relationship with Industry Canada in its participation in ITU and GSC standards. Achieved a strong and trusting working relationship with the leadership in Industry Canada.
* Africa: Invited by the Tunisian Minister of Communication Technologies for two years in a row (2007 and 2008) to be the General Moderating Chair of the ICT4ALL Forum in Tunisia. The role included introducing and moderating the participation of more than 20 ministers from Africa, Middle East, and Asia. Received the highest praise from the Minister on behalf of the Tunisian Government and the leading participants in ICT4ALL for helping in the success of both events.
* External University Research: Supervised the Corporate External Research function and directed external research projects in Universities from 2006-2009.
Director, Advanced Tech and Data Network Engineering
1999–2001 Billerica , MA

* Led advanced technology planning and steering within the advanced technology organization of the CTO office. A model of explore/qualify/transition of new ideas was developed to fuel the innovation funnel of the commercial products and solutions. This model achieved a high rate of focused innovation/patents that transitioned to commercial products.
* Influenced the product line managers to adopt new ideas that emerged from the advanced technology organization by demonstrating disruptive aspects of the technology, testing new ideas in standards, and working with lead customers.
* Managed an advanced technology research team (in Billerica, Ottawa, Harlow, and Stockholm) focused on developing early prototypes of emerging IP/MPLS protocols. Many of which have transitioned into standards and the market.
* Achieved a very effective and efficient process and a set of procedures for corporate-wide standards governance and management that saved Nortel over 30% of the cost of standards development while increasing Nortel's contributions by 20%. It included standards game plans that highlighted the business objectives and the standards strategy and resources to meet the business objectives. Created a structure of strategic standards projects and the associated online support tools to effectively execute the standards game plans with tight alignment among the CTO and Business Unit teams that were distributed globally.
* Led a team to engineer customer networks with a focus on the data infrastructure and services. Participated in pre-sales data network engineering engagement with over 30 large customers globally achieving a high customer win, retention, and satisfaction rating.
* Led Nortel's participation in the IETF in the areas of IP/MPLS, and VPN
Senior Manager, Software Development
1994–1999 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
* Led a software protocols development team including IS-IS, IP, MPLS
* Led Nortel's participation in the IETF MPLS and VPN working groups
* Positioned Nortel as a technology thought leader by presenting IP/MPLS Tutorials at Networld and Interop, NANOG, and key Industry Conferences
* Developed a number of software (C, C++) and hardware (Memory, Buffer, and Queue Management) features on the award winning Nortel data products (Passport 7K, and 15K Product line).
* Spearheaded Nortel's participation in the IETF MPLS and VPN working groups achieving a rapid increase in Nortel's influence over the key working groups.
* Developed and presented a number of Training Tutorials to Nortel engineers on IP MPLS allowing the R&D organization to rapidly develop expertise in the emerging protocols.
* 1990-1994 Penn State University
* Teaching and Research Assistant
* 1990–1994 Pennsylvania State University PA, USA
* Instructor of a graduate level IC Analysis and Design Course achieving very high rating by students of the quality of instruction (4.5/5).
* Teaching Assistant to as number of undergraduate and graduate Computer Engineering courses on Data Networks
* Research Assistant on Packet Data Protocols and Traffic Management
* Computer Systems and Network Administrator for the College of Engineering Computer Lab
Leadership, Awards, Recognition
* Distinguished Member of Technical Staff (DMTS) - 2008
* Selected by an internal and external selection committee. Only 12 employees were inducted as DMTS in Nortel in June 2008 out of a population of 30,000 employees.
* Nortel performance management rating as Top Contributor and Most Effective for most years of service in Nortel.
* Nortel 10th cumulative Patent Award – 2007
* Nortel Certified in Communication Enabled Applications, Unified Communications, VOIP, Communication Server 1000, and Healthcare IT Solutions - 2009
* Nortel Teamwork Award - 1996
* Nortel OLPC Project Leader and Spokesperson 2006-2008
* Member of the Scientific Committee of the MPLS and Ethernet World Congress 1999-2009; and the Green Telco Conference 2009
* IEEE Standards Association Board of Governors 2007-2008
* IEEE SA Corporate Advisory Group 2005-2010
* IEEE SA CAG Chair Award for International Strategy 2007
* IEEE SA Liaison Representative to the ITU-T and ITU-D
* IEEE Standards Education Committee 2008-2009
* IEEE Senior Member 2007
* P .ENG Member of Professional Engineers of Ontario 1998.
* ITU World Telecom Standards Assembly 2008 - Represented IEEE-SA at the Global Standards Symposium
* Global Standards Collaboration GSC-13 – IEEE-SA Representative
* ICT4ALL Forum Chair Moderator 2007 and 2008 in Tunisia
* ISOC/IETF Advisory Council - 2001
Innovation and Patents
* 22 granted and filed US patents in diverse areas: packet, optical, wireless, and quality of service.
* Nortel Patent Review Board: reviewed and selected invention disclosures to be filed as patent applications
* Steered Nortel's position on IPR Policy in standards organizations
* ? Reviewed and analyzed patents to determine field of use, applicability, assertion, and potential infringements.
* Nortel Spokesperson on hot technology and standards topics fielding interviews with media and analysts
* Leveraged Standards Leadership (office holders or technical “gurus”) to gain significant brand recognition and mindshare for Nortel as a Technology Thought leader over the years
* Leveraged Strategic Hosting of Standards meetings to gain significant visibility for Nortel – personally led Nortel's IETF and WiMAX Forum meeting hosting in Vancouver Canada
* Presented Keynote and Chaired conference Tracks at the MPLS and Ethernet WC; N+I, NANGO, and Arab ICT Organization (AICTO) Invited Speaker
Education 1992–1995 Penn State University University Park, PA
* Ph.D. Computer Engineering
1989–1992 Penn State University University Park, PA
* MS Computer Engineering
1985–1989 Penn State University University Park, PA

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