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Pr Hassen A. Gharbi
Publié dans Leaders le 15 - 07 - 2010

Born in Thala, Tunisia, Dr Gharbi is Professor of Radiology and Professor in Medical Biophysics.
He is involved in several teaching programs mainly in ultrasound and in Paediatric Radiology, in Tunisia and in several countries around the world often in Africa.

He was the founder in 1986 and the first President of the MASU, Mediterranean and African Society of Ultrasound, member of the World Federation of Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology since 1992
Under the auspices of WHO at the beginning and now under the auspices of WHO, MASU and WFUMB, he directed several international courses around the world in developing countries mainly : Tunisia, Algeria, Libya , Morocco, Egypt, Turkey, Bangladesh, Kenya, Tanzania, Tchad, Uganda, Yemen, Sudan, Cyprus , Syria, Pakistan, Cameroon, Pakistan, Afghanistan, ….
He created since 1970, the first paediatric radiology department, in Tunisia and in the North African as independent and efficient body.
His other main interest and original publications were dedicated to Hydatid diseases (imaging, epidemiological and treatment study). His imaging US classification of the Hydatid cyst appearance, published in Radiology in 1981, is still used around the world
He published, in collaboration as author or as co-author more than 20 books, all dedicated mainly to paediatric radiology, tropical and infectious diseases (hydatid diseases).
More than 120 articles are published in national and international journals in the different fields covered by his activities.
Dr Gharbi received many awards and recognitions for his contributions for the promotion of the good use of the radiology in developing countries.
Name : Hassen Akéba GHARBI
Address : 12, Rue Mohamed Salaheddine - Mutuelleville
1082 Tunis Mahrajane - TUNISIA
Tel Home : + 216 71 789 406 - Office: + 216 71 900 677
Fax Home : + 216 71 791 760 Office: + 216 71 900 908
e-mail : hassen.agharbi@ planet.tn
Date of birth : January 15th, 1939
Place of birth : Thala, Tunisia
Citizen : Tunisia.

- Graduate M.D - - Medical School Paris - June 1967
- Master in Human Biology - Medical School Paris - June 1966
- Graduate in Optic Physiology (PhD) - Sciences Faculty Orsay - Paris 1968
- Graduate in Radiology - Medical School Paris 1969
- Graduate in Aeronautic Medicine - Medical School Paris 1967
- Graduate in Medical Electronics- Medical School Paris 1968
- Professor in Medicine
( Medical Biophysics ) - Medical School Paris 1969
- Professor in Radiology - Faculty of Medicine Tunis 1975
- Graduate in Management of Radiation Accidents. REACT/TS. 1986 Oak Ridge Associated Universities. - Oak Ridge -Tennessee. USA
- Tunisia – Licensure N° 961 - issued by may 5th 1970
- Assistant Professor Biophysics Department -Medical School Paris 1966 -1970
- Vice Dean of the Medical School of Tunis 1971 - 1973.
- Head of the department of Radiology - Children hospital .Tunis - 1970 - 1989.
- Founder and Director of the National Centre of Radiation Protection – Ministry of Public Health - Tunis - 1971 -1989.
- Judicial Assermented Expert in Radiation Protection - Ministry of Justice; Tunis - 1986.
- Head of the Medical Biophysics Department - Medical School Tunis - 1970- 1985.
- President of Radiological National Commission in the Ministry of Public Health - Tunis - 1975- 1985.
- Adviser in the Ministry of Public Health in the following fields : Radiology , Paediatric Radiology , Biomedical Engineering , Radiation Protection, Medical School training, Hospital equipment planification ... 1972-1989.
- Expert in Radiology, Radio-Protection and Paediatric-Radiology, World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva 1993-1997, 1997-2001, 2001-2004, 2004-2007, 2007-2010.

- Awarded medal for outstanding services in Public Health, Tunisia. 1993.
- Awarded medal of honours “Arab Doctors”, Alep, Syria; 1993.
- International Price: “Memorial Pietro Cignoli ” - Institute of Radiology Palermo Italy december 16th 1997
- President of Tunisian Society of Medical Sciences (Société Tunisienne des Sciences Medicales ) : 1981- 1984- (STSM)
- General Secretary of Tunisian Society of Radiology: 1970 - 1983; 1986 - 1991. (STR)
- Founder and President of Mediterranean and African Society of Ultrasound: MASU. 1986 1992. (MASU)
- Founder and President of the Medical Society of Electronics and Biomedical Engineering- (STEMGB)- ( Société Tunisienne d'Electronique Médicale et de génie Biologique ) : 1971 - 1976.
- President of Tunisian Society of Radiology : 1991 - 1994 , 1994- 1998.(STR)

-French Society of Ultrasound (SFAUMB) - Société Française d'Application des Ultrasons à la Médecine et à la Biologie- since 1981
-French Society of Paediatric imaging (SFIP), since 1975
-Scientific Committee of International Institute of Medical Imaging Monaco. (IIMIM)
- European Society of Paediatric Radiology.(ESPR) since 1975
- Radiological Society of North America –(RSNA) ID 0077994 since -1993.
- American Roentgen Ray Society (ARRS) , member ID 723347 - 2009

-Member of the World Federation for ultrasound in Medicine and Biology Board ( WFUMB) :
1994 - 1997 : .Co-opted Board Member WFUMB- member of the Educational committee : Vice - Chairman
Vice - Chairman of the Sponsoring committee.
1997-2000 Member MASU representative in WFUMB board
2000-2003 - Vice President 2 of the WFUMB Board
2003-2006 - Co-opted Board Member WFUMB- member of the Educational committee
2006-2009 - Co-opted Board Member WFUMB member of the Educational committee- Member of the nominating committee
2009-2011 - Co-opted Board Member
WFUMB member of the Educational committee
- Member of the board of the International Society of Radiology, ISR , 2004-2010
- Founder and President Elect of the African Society of Radiology 2008-2011. (ASR).
- Honorary Member of the Egyptian Society of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine. Cairo 6-1-1990. ( ESRNM)

- Honorary Member of the Italian Society of Ultrasound. (SIUMB). 1991
- Honorary Member of the Italian Society of RADIOLOGY AND Nuclear Medicine . (SMIRN). Milano 1988

-Honorary member of the French Society of Radiology November 1997 Paris- (SFR )
-Honorary President of Tunisian Society of Radiology July 1998- (STR)
- Honorary member of the ,American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, (AIUM) since Montreal June 20003
- Honorary Member of the Society for Society of Pediatric Radiology. (SPR)- Scottsdale, Arizona, USA May 2008
- Selected to be Honorary Fellow of the American College of Radiology, (ACR), Washington, DC, may16-19 2010
1. Tropical disease mainly hydatid diseases.
2. Ultrasound in Tropical diseases
3. Ultrasound in paediatric age: bone, digestive tract,
4. Radiation - Protection
5. Imaging modalities in developing countries.
6. Paediatric Radiology
Member of Editorial board of International Review :
- Paediatric Radiology 1984 - 1996.
- Annales Françaises de Radiologie. Paris.
- JEMU (MASSON). Paris, since 2001.
- French Journal of Radiation Protection. Paris .
- Eido Electa . Palermo . Italy.
- Medecine du Maghreb. Toulon. France.
- Revue Maghrebine de Pediatrie.
1- * Echography pédiatrique : Editor Masson .P. Jouve. Paris 1983 .94 pages . French.
2- * Echography of the spleen : Editor Springer Verlag . W.J.N. Bruneton 1986. 88 pages. English.
3-* Rational use in pediatric radiology :Technical Report W.H.O. N° 757- 1987
4-* L'Echographia nelle Malattie Infettive
C , FILICE , E.G. RONDANELLI Edit Medico Scientifiche, Pavia 1989. 488 Pages. Italian.
5- * Rational use of imaging techniques in practical situations : Technical report W.H.O. N° 795 / 1990 : 144. Pages- French and English.
6- *Atlas of abdominal and small parts sonography. A. KURJAK , Z. FUCKAR , H.A. GHARBI- 1991 - Zagreb 376 pages . ( French - English - Yugoslav). Zagreb . 1991. French - English - Yougoslave.
7- * Manuel d'Ultrasonologie générale de l'adulte. P. JOUVE . Editor Masson 1993 .French- 384 pages.
8- * W.H.O. Manual of basic Ultrasound .
P.E.S. PALMER - OMS Publications , 1195 , 334 pages , in English, French, Spanish., Arabic… 15 languages 1996 Ref :
ISBN 9241544619
9- * Global Textbook of Radiology
H. PETTERSON . Nicer Publications . English , Spanish and Chinese . 2 Tomes1330 pages . 1995. Nicer Institute . Oslo, Norway

10- * Frontiers of Gastroenterology . Vol 24 . Ultrasound Application in Gastroenterology, L. GANDOLFI , M.FUKIDA. Edit KARGER Editeur . AG Bale Suisse . 1997.
11- * Training in diagnostic ultrasound : essentials, principales and standards. Report of a WHO Study Group WHO Technical Report Series N° 875 - Geneva 1998
12- * Abdominal Ultrasound Atlas
L. Buscarini, R. Campani Edit. Idelson-Gnocchi Italy 2001-
13- * Puncture Aspiration Injection Re-aspiration,
PAIR, an option for the treatment of cystic Echinococcosis –
WHO informal Working group on Echinococcosis,
WHO-IWGE , Booklet WHO publication Ref WHO/CDS/CSR/APH/2001.6
14- * Manual of ultrasound in infectious and parasitic diseases:
WFUMB Book: 181 pages- 176 figures10 tables
Editor Springer. 2005 ISBN 3-540-24446-8.

15- * Le kyste hydatique et l'échographie : de la description, au dépistage jusqu'au traitement..35 années de passion. 183 pages-
H.A. GHARBI – Editeur Centre de documentation universitaire.
Tunis - ISBN 9973-37-255-7 -Tunis 2005
16- * Manual of Ultrasound , 2 volumes, under the auspices of WHO and WFUMB , editor Springer 450 pages , Harald LUTZ ,E. BUSCARINI ,Hassen A. GHARBI ( on charge of paediatric chapters ) and others , will be published in 2010.
More than 120 articles are published in national and international journals in the different fields covered by his activities.
The complete list may be sent if needed.
Dr Gharbi was invited speaker in more than 40 international meetings in different fields :
Tropical disease mainly hydatid diseases.
Ultrasound mainly in paediatric age : bone , digestive tract, ....
Radiation – Protection
Imaging modalities in developing countries.
Paediatric Radiology…….
Last invitations : ICR 2008: June 2008, Marrakech, Morocco, and WFUMB World Congress Sydney Australia september 2009, ICR 2010 Shanghai, 2011 WFUMB world Congress , Vienna 2011
The complete list may be sent if needed.
As Professor of Radiology and medical Biophysics, Dr Gharbi is involved in several teaching programs in Tunisia and around the world.
He is mainly involved, also with his team, in paediatric radiology and in medical Ultrasound activities since 1970. He created the first department of paediatric radiology in 1970, the first department of echography in Tunisia and in the North African area, with multiple activities: teaching, medical and fundamental research in 1977.
Under the auspices of WHO at the beginning and now under the auspices of WHO and WFUMB, several international courses are organized, with the help of others medical associations, around the world in developing countries mainly. The last one was in, Lusaka, Zambia February 2010, the planed next courses will be in Ethiopia, October 2010 and Rwanda December 2010.

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