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Porsche wins manufacturers' world championship with the 919 Hybrid
Publié dans WMC actualités le 07 - 11 - 2016

Stuttgart. Porsche became the World Champions again. The sports car brand from Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen with the innovative Le Mans Prototype Porsche 919 Hybrid secured the manufacturers' title in the FIA World Endurance Championship one race before the season's finale. At the six-hour race in Shanghai this Sunday the driver trios of Timo Bernhard (DE)/Brendon Hartley (NZ)/Mark Webber (AU) and Romain Dumas (FR)/Neel Jani (CH)/Marc Lieb (DE) finished first and fourth to earn Porsche 38 points. Having now scored 301 points in total, Audi (222) and Toyota (207) cannot now catch Porsche at the last round in Bahrain on November 19.
Michael Steiner, board member for research and development of Porsche AG, wit-nessed the title win on site and said: "The second manufacturers' world champion-ship title for Porsche is another confirmation of the 919 Hybrid's brave concept. The Weissach developed prototype joins other important Porsche race cars that were al-so ahead of their times, such as the 718 RS, 904, 917 or 956. They all wrote motor-sport history and significantly fired the road car development. This also goes for the 919 Hybrid. I'm proud on the entire team."
Fritz Enzinger, Vice President LMP1, added: "This big success was only possible thanks to a great team effort. Mechanics, engineers and drivers and many more peo-ple behind the scenes were fighting hard for this, and have now been rewarded for the second time after 2015. This doesn't prove only the 919 Hybrid's potential, but also the excellence of the team. I want to thank everybody from my heart."
For the futuristic Porsche 919 Hybrid it is another chapter in a story of success. In 2014 the class one Le Mans prototype (LMP1) debuted with a unique powertrain concept. Since then Porsche has won the Le Mans 24-hour race twice, to take over-all victory number 17 in 2015 and 18 in 2016. In 2015, which was the second sea-son for the young team, Porsche also won the manufacturers' world championship. Last year's drivers' title went to Bernhard/Hartley/Webber in a nerve wracking finale in Bahrain. With one race to go, the current championship leaders are this year's Le Mans winners Dumas/Jani/Lieb. In total, from 24 races, the Porsche 919 Hybrid has 13 race wins and 15 pole positions to its tally.
While the Porsche Team earns laurels on race tracks, the most important successes are achieved in the Porsche Research and Development Center in Weissach near Stuttgart. There the 919 Hybrid was created in close collaboration with the road car development. It delivers a system power of over 900 HP (662 kW). Its combustion engine is a ground breaking downsizing motor. The compact two-litre V4 petrol en-gine is turbocharged and powers the rear axle with almost 500 HP (368 kW). Two different energy recovery systems – using brake energy from the front axle and ex-haust energy – feed a lithium ion battery storage. From there, on demand, an electro motor takes the energy to power the front axle with an additional over 400 HP (294 kW).
With the design of the 919's hybrid systems, the race department did pioneering work. Especially with regards to high voltage technology, the 919 works as an exper-imental laboratory for the voltage level of future electric road going sports cars. This way the knowledge gained on race tracks allowed the product cars' developers to introduce the four-door concept study Mission E with 800 Volt technology. The first purely electric driven road going sports car from Porsche will go into production with-in the current decade.

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