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NMAT by GMAC™ Exam Available in Nigeria for First Time
Publié dans L'expert le 23 - 05 - 2019

Exam Adoption Grows Among Schools in Nigeria and South Africa, NMAT by GMAC™ Exam Now Available for On-Demand Testing
JOHANNESBURG & LAGOS, Nigeria–(BUSINESS WIRE/AETOSWire)– The Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), a global association of leading graduate business schools, announced today 13 leading South African and Nigerian b-schools are now utilizing the NMAT by GMAC™ exam for their graduate business programs. The NMAT by GMAC™ exam has been established as a qualifying assessment utilized by business programs in Africa.
The NMAT by GMAC™ exam is also being utilized for the first time by business schools in Nigeria, including: Lagos Business School, Covenant University, Nigeria, Redeemer's University, Lead City University, and Afe Babalola University.
"This is a significant milestone for GMAC in our efforts to standardize computer-adaptive testing in emerging markets," said Sangeet Chowfla, President and CEO of GMAC. "We are committed to providing the best testing experience for candidates and a high-quality standardized assessment that empowers schools to recruit best-fit candidates."
Dr Uchenna Uzo, MBA Director at Lagos Business School, stated, "We are excited to accept NMAT by GMAC™ scores for admissions as one of the alternative admission tests that candidates could take into our MBA programs."
A big development for the NMAT by GMAC™ exam in 2019 is the availability of the test throughout the year beginning on May 17, 2019. Earlier, candidates could only schedule and appear for the test within a defined testing window. However, after feedback from the market, the NMAT by GMAC™ exam will be available for on-demand testing through December 31, 2019.
"This is a significant milestone for GMAC in our efforts to standardize computer-adaptive testing in emerging markets," said Arjun Rudra, Associate Director Africa and the Middle East Region at GMAC. "We want to provide the best testing experience to candidates and a high-quality standardized assessment for schools, enabling them to recruit and connect with the right candidates."
"We are committed to maximizing opportunities for every NMAT by GMAC™ test taker in Africa; empowering them to apply to multiple b-schools with a single test experience," Rudra continued.
The NMAT by GMAC™ Exam has evolved in Africa each year since first being available to candidates beginning in 2018. This year, GMAC has added the University of Cape Town, South Africa as one of the schools accepting NMAT by GMAC™ scores.
"We are encouraged to see the progress the NMAT by GMAC™ exam is making in Africa. The exam offers tremendous value and insight to our African candidates and we are thrilled to now be accepting NMAT by GMAC™ scores as part of our application process starting this year," said Mr. Segran Nair, Open Academic Programmes Director for the Graduate School of Business at University of Cape Town.
Candidates can log-on at www.nmat.org to register and schedule their NMAT by GMAC™ exam. They can select the date and time slot. Currently, there are over 37 test centers across major cities in South Africa, Nigeria, Botswana, Ethiopia, Namibia and Zimbabwe.
About GMAC
The Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) is an association of leading graduate business schools worldwide. Founded in 1953, we are committed to creating solutions for business schools and candidates to better discover, evaluate and connect with each other. We work on behalf of the schools and the graduate management education community, as well as guide candidates on their journey to higher education, to ensure that no talent goes undiscovered.
GMAC provides world-class research, professional development opportunities and assessments for the industry, designed to advance the art and science of admissions. Owned and administered by GMAC, the Graduate Management Admission Test™ (GMAT™) exam is the most widely used graduate business school assessment, recognized by more than 7,000 programs worldwide. Other GMAC assessments include the NMAT by GMAC™ (NMAT™) exam, for entrance into graduate management programs in India and 10 other countries, and the Executive Assessment (EA), specifically designed for executive programs around the world.
Our flagship portal for graduate management education resources and information, www.mba.com, receives 7 million visits a year and features the School Search matching tool and GMASS™ search service, matching candidates and business schools.
GMAC is a global organization with offices in Hong Kong, China; Gurugram, India; Singapore; London, United Kingdom; and the United States. To learn more about our work, please visit www.gmac.com.
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20190520005635/en/
*Source: AETOSWire

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