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FOSTEr in MED training paths on solar energy to start in Jordan
Publié dans WMC actualités le 27 - 08 - 2015

Training paths on solar energy by FOSTEr in MED will start from August 30th, 2015 in Aqaba under the supervision of the Royal Scientific Society in the framework of EU project funded under the ENPI CBC MED Programme.
The first course will be held on 30th of August, the second will be on 13th of September and the third will be on 4th of October. Courses will be held at the Science for Society Project – Royal Scientific Society, which specializes in training services to various scientific centers, and offers qualified training specialists qualified who will lead activities.
Training patsh are open to students and employees from: Mu'tah University – Department of Electrical Engineering; Tafila Technical University – Electrical Power and Mechatronics Engineering Department; Jordan University – Aqaba Branch; Aqaba Thermal Power Station – Central Electricity Generating Company; Engineering Association; National Electric Power company; Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.
The three courses will last 30 hours each and are dedicated to designers (engineer and architects), installers (mainly SMEs) and university students, thus promoting the use of innovative solar technologies in Mediterranean countries through the transfer of competences in the field of solar photovoltaic technologies, in particular building integrated photovoltaic technology (BIPV).
Training topics are based on FOSTEr in MED “Guidelines on building integration of photovoltaic in the Mediterranean area”, free to download on www.fosterinmed.eu.
Among the main topics: renewable energy sources and energy efficiency in buildings; main characteristics of photovoltaic modules; the architectural integration of photovoltaic modules; sizing technical characteristics and performance of a BIPV plant; national legislation and incentives for BIPV plants; installation of the photovoltaic system (technical elements; cost-benefit analysis and economic evaluation of the photovoltaic system); maintenance procedures of the of the photovoltaic systems; best practices review.
As a practical demonstration of BIPV, 5 pilot projects will be realized soon in the Mediterranean cities of: Tunis (Tunisia), Cagliari (Italy), Alexandria (Egypt), Beirut (Lebanon), and Aqaba (Jordan).
A BIPV system with a minimum size of 17 kilowatt-peak will be installed on the skylights of the University of Jordan – Aqaba, as good practice example in the Mediterranean.
FOSTEr in MED aims to transfer common technical capabilities and to promote the opportunities offered by solar energy, to build a common expertise in the field of photovoltaic technologies among Mediterranean. Besides Jordan, the training paths will be realized in Lebanon, Egypt, Italy, Spain, and Tunisia.
For general information, please contact:
Project Management Office UNICA-DICAAR
via Marengo 2 – 09123 Cagliari (Italy)
Phone +39 070 6755811
email: [email protected]
website: www.fosterinmed.eu
For specific information on training paths in Jordan, please contact:
Jordan – RSS
Eng. Abeer Arafat
Manager of Communication and External Affairs
Phone: +962 6 53 44 701, Ext: 2834
Fax: +962 6 53 44 806
Email: [email protected] www.rss.jo
This press release has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union under the ENPI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of University of Cagliari (UNICA) andFOSTEr in MED project partners and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union or of the Programme's management structures.

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