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Fostering synergies in the solar energy sector :
The FOSTEr in MED project organizes Capitalisation conference in Cairo
Publié dans WMC actualités le 08 - 09 - 2015

The Euro-Mediterranean Solar Building Integrated PhotoVoltaic (BIPV) Conference will take place on Wednesday 16th of September 2015 in Cairo: the event is organized by the Confederation of Egyptian European Business Associations (CEEBA) and the Association of the Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ASCAME) in the framework of EU ENPI CBC MED project funded FOSTEr in MED.
The event aims to capitalize the project results by creating network between initiatives and companies in solar energy and highlighting success stories as good practices in the sector.
The conference will announce the project results and present upcoming opportunities, in particular training paths dedicated to designers, installers (SMEs) and university students, aimed at promoting the use of innovative solar technologies in Mediterranean countries through the transfer of competences in BIPV technology. In addition, the conference will present the pilot projects that are being implemented in the cities of Beirut (Lebanon), Cagliari (Italy), Alexandria (Egypt), Tunis (Tunisia), Aqaba (Jordan).
Finally a B2B session will be organized in order to bring together Solar PV companies from the Mediterranean. Participating companies are from Italy, Spain, Tunis, Jordan and Lebanon.
The conference and B2B session are concrete opportunities to inform companies in the sector about the opportunity provided by the BIPV technology, which is still little known in Mediterranean countries, giving the possibility to create networks and synergies among them. To register to the conference and B2B, please click here.
FOSTER in MED aims to promote the adoption of innovative solar photovoltaic technologies in the Mediterranean. Building Integrated Photovoltaic BIPV refers to Photovoltaic (PV) modules designed to replace conventional building materials, such as the roof, skylights, facades, shading and so on, focusing not only on energy efficiency and green energy, but also on the aesthetic value of PV to create energy-smart and more comfortable environments.
FOSTEr in MED is a project financed for an amount of 4,05 million Euro by the European Union through the ENPI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme (total amount of 4,5 million Euro). It aims to promote the adoption of innovative solar photovoltaic technologies with a strategic approach in six countries of the Mediterranean area: Italy, Spain, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Tunisia. The project partners are: University of Cagliari (UNICA); Association of the Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Special Agency Industry (ASCAME); Promotional Services Centre for enterprises of the Cagliari Chamber of Commerce (CSPI); Confederation of Egyptian European Business Associations (CEEBA); Industrial Research Institute (IRI); Royal Scientific Society (RSS); Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Tunis (CCI Tunis); Autonomous Region of Sardinia (RAS).
For more information, please contact:
Project Management Office UNICA-DICAAR via Marengo 2 – 09123 Cagliari (Italy) Tel +39 070 6755811; email: [email protected]; website:
CEEBA project manager Salma El-Sahhar Tel: +203 4273338 e-mail [email protected]
Programme of the event here :

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