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Publié dans L'expert le 20 - 08 - 2009

The economic crisis, submerging the world, caused troubles in the existing different fields, especially the monetary saving sector and the stock exchange one. The social performances, the retirement and the banks' security were affected too then the changes modified the whole structure of the economic skeleton. America was one of the sudden change's victims which caused credits' recession and an important commercial collapse. In other words, in the face of this crisis people around the world are more and more anxious about the situation and scared of consumption and its repercussion.
It is clear to notice that this crisis is a particular one since it was originally from the 80's absence of regulations and a lot of unsolved personal debts.
This economic crisis is a systematic one with a gravity that overcomes the one of 1929 in terms of collateral victims.
According to many experts in the field of economy, it is always said that the economy has always been crossing over three stages: « boom- recession- resumption» hoping for a new start after the crisis in condition not to consume much but to save better.
While people are getting depressed by the crisis around the world, the purchasing power is getting slowed down and about 15% of the net earnings are getting saved.
So, the economic crisis has its own benefic sides: the decrease of the real estate prices so it helps the accession of young properties and projects.
There is another advantage of the economic crisis despite the increase of the petroleum' s prices, people are still taking the train as a way of transport rather then the use of their cars, which is a positive point for the planetary ecology. Thus, the dependence to the petroleum products is decreasing (less than 10% of fuel world consumption in a year).
Thanks to the economic crisis, people are more careful about their spending. By a less buying, the nuisance to the road transport is decreasing and the negative damages are reduced. People buy for better prices favoring the enterprises' competitiveness and innovation.
The world economic crisis lowers the elevated salaries in the domain of finance and as a consequence it brings a certain social equity. In a near future it will create jobs in different innovating sectors and will be able to restart new societies with hope for a more oriented consumption of useful and anti-ecological products.

The psychological world crisis
Statistics showed that 70% of the people around the world are not affected by the economic crisis and only the resting 30% got all the focus on them. Outside the gossips and statistics of the people working in the real estate sector and the building one which are really affected by this situation, the other categories of working people like employees and executives are continuing to gain as much as they did before the already existing economic crisis. Sometimes the stock exchange decreases by 5% and tomorrow it takes it back, which didn't cause any variation in the savings. It is benefic in the sense that the banks refuses to lend money anymore. It is better to invest for the creation of jobs and energy economics. Concerning the economic crisis, it is better to react in a short term like by subsidizing young jobs, putting pre- retirement promoting the ecological energy.
Besides, there is a big side of psychology in the decrease of sales especially in the essence where the majority of conductors were traumatized by the historical increase of petroleum in 2007 (147$ the barrel) and the prices are still growing and getting more and more rare.
Which proves that the world crisis is in relation with the psychological side, is the bankruptcy of the first big American bank, which caused the collapse of the economy.
Translated by Khaoula Magmagui

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